Tuesday, March 17, 2009

NKOTB--20 Years Later

On Monday, I crossed another adventure off my bucket list. I went to a New Kids on the Block concert. And although they are not new or kids, they are still HOT!!

Stacy went with me; which really meant more to me than she will ever know. We went to dinner and had girl talk..she mentioned that her husband just told her the other day that he wishes he had something that really connected him to his siblings that they could talk about (not those words, but what he meant). Stacy and I grew up watching movies, listening to music, and playing together. Don't get me wrong..we hated each other. It wasn't until I moved out that I realized how much I really loved her. This New Kids on the Block concert turned into one of my most memorable moments..because she was there with me. It wouldn't have been the same without her. We didn't stop screaming, dancing, and singing all night long. I will treasure this memory for the rest of my life.

Before the concert, we were in a restaurant that was playing all New Kids music. As soon as it came on, we were smiling ear to ear and singing. She said no matter what when you hear this, it just makes you smile. And she's right..I told her it wasn't really because of the music though..it takes me back to 1988; when I had no worries, no problems, and I could just be a kid.

This was the best concert I have ever been to...I loved every minute of it and am so glad I went. The New Kids have definitely grown up...by they still got it...and I still want it.

To Stacy...Thank you so much for going..I know this wasn't something you actually had on your "gotta do before I die" list; but thank you for doing it for me. I am so blessed that I have you in my life...I am so glad that we have so many things that connect us, that only we can say and really understand. Twenty years ago, I never would have thought my best friend would be you. But twenty years later, my best friend is you! I know we are totally different in all of our decision making and personality traits; but I am so proud of the woman you have become. I look forward to continue watching you grow as a wife and Christian. Thank you for being in my life and being my sister..my best friend.

Hey..do you want to go to Waffle House...Let's Get This!


Corneice said...

Waffle House?????

Regina said...

Joey from New Kids on The Block said, "Hey, we got some new saying for you..Let's get this! You guys say aight..but he said for example, someone says Let's go to Waffle House..you say "Let's Get This!"